The Heiber family lives in a world that’s rapidly crumbling, plagued by flawed and outdated social and political models. Meanwhile a group of aristocrats, led by Helmut Ronen, are creating the perfect city as the answer to all of society’s problems: RONENSBOURGH.

Ronensbourgh, also known as “How is it possible that we have ended up in Ronensbourgh?,” is a contemporary and highly experimental piece, written in a Heiner Müller’s style (No stage directions. No formatting. SOME CAPITAL LETTERS THAT SEEM RANDOM BUT THEY’RE NOT) by Beatriz Cabur. The play poses timely questions about identity, society and home—dislodging the very things our society holds as important.

Creative Team

Directed by: Ignacio Garcia-Bustelo; Scenic Design: Jennifer Sipila; Lighting Design: Porsche McGovern; Video & Projection Design: Laia Cabrera & Isabelle Duverger; Sound Design: Alfredo Tauste; Costume Design: Yuko Nakao; Image: Nancy Grossman*


Claudio Bandini, Mateo Franco, Sara Gozalo, Begonya Plaza, Francisco Reyes


Assistant Director/Stage Manager: Cristina Ayon-Viesca; Line Producer: Soraya Padrao; Production Manager: Cristina Perez Ballesteros; Production Assistants: Sandra Gumuzzio & Maria Gonzalez; Marketing: Allison Kadin & WowMom; Press Representative: Yani Perez & Marcos Garcia


RONENSBOURGH is made possible thanks to the support and contribution of the following organizations: Spain Culture New York, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, New York State Council on the Arts, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.